Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Your Thoughts on the Seminar...

What are your thoughts at its completion? How did you feel about the book? Like it? Hate it? How did you like it compared to All Quiet (understanding, of course, that they are COMPLETELY different!)?

I thought the seminar today went well. However, I am still baffled at the lack of participation. I can't imagine not talking to get an easy grade!!! Some of you need to step it up a bit!


Anonymous said...

I thought the seminar went alright. I did, however, feel that there wasn't much time to be had speaking. I also feel that it's difficult to get a word in sometimes because of people rushing in. Personally, I think we should start muting people after they've spoken about five times.
-David Hannah

Anonymous said...

I talked! haha. I wasn't a huge fan of this book. I think that to able to write such a book, you've got to have a couple screws loose. I think the book would be like by more people if we also read Paradiso to show what he thought about Heaven.

Derek M.

Anonymous said...

I really like the seminars that take place in the class because you get to hear everyone's opinions not just the teacher's and yours and unfortunately im one of those that dont really participate =[ and im working on that slowly but surely, but anyways I really liked the Inferno alot better than All Quiet. I liked the fact that there was alot of symbolism that went into the punishments, they weren't just random. Honestly, i loved the book because it was actually different through out the whole book, unlike All Quiet which was boring and had alot of the same scenes it felt like.

*.:.Casey Johnson.:.*

Anonymous said...

I think that the seminar went okay today. I like being able to get other opinions that help me to understand the book better. The Inferno was definitely different than what I would normally read. Throughout the book, I noticed some of Dante's description not being accurate. Such as his description of Satan, it is different than the description in the Bible. In Revelation it says, that Satan has seven heads. In Dante's description, Satan only had 3 heads. Even though he may have not been accurate, he must have had a lot of time to come up with everything. Overall the book was decent, it is not one that I would choose to read on my own.

-Haylie G

Anonymous said...

I thought the seminar today was just average. It was what one could expect from a grade level class. I personally found it hard to get a word in. This is because there were a few people who had a lot to say. Overall I think it was ok. The All Quiet seminar was much better.
-Danielle 0

Anonymous said...

I have no comments on the seminar, mostly because I did horribly at it this time around, but I have some thoughts on The Inferno.

I really like the majority of the book, but I can’t say I loved everything. I enjoyed the way the sinners were punished by a twisting of their sin a lot, actually. I thought it was pretty creative, if not baffling, that Dante could come up with them. The fact that creatures from mythology were in the book made it more interesting for me. Mythology’s fun, not to mention that the creatures seemed to fit the punishments. Except for the harpies, because I just don’t like them breaking tree limbs, for some reason.

As for things I don’t like, there were just some places that I was completely lost as to what Dante was talking about and had to read a line six or seven times before it actually clicked. I didn’t care too much for the order of the sins, either. It just seems to me that some of the sinners, like the thieves, were too low in the layers of hell. That’s just my opinion.

Other than that, I think that Dante was a brilliant writer, and I should have said that in the seminar, come to think of it.


Anonymous said...

I think this is what I'm supposed to comment on. Well, my thoughts on the seminar are that it is a good way to learn more about the book and go deeper into it than you would alone because of all the opinions you get to hear. I feel, though, that many people are just rephrasing the same thoughts repeatedly. I don't really talk a lot during those things because I stink* at it, and if I ever did have a good thought, about 10 people have already said it. There really isn't an excuse for me not talking, but hey I'm digging my own grave here. Well, the book/3 chapters was pretty cool. I like the perspective of hell, even though it's not my perspective, and I think it's just a fun story. It was sort of depressing like "All Quiet" but I liked it. -Allie Mendel

M_R_McDuffee said...

I think it went really well also. I agree with David on not having enough time to really get deep into conversation. As for the book, from what I read of the book I liked it because it gave an interpretation of Hell through Dante's eyes adn mind. Many different people think of Hell differently but I think Inferno gave you a picture of what it would be like and made you think "I don't want to go there."

~Meredith Rachel McDuffee~

Anonymous said...

I really like the seminars. I think they're a lot easier than tests. Although, I'm one of those people who says thier three things and then is silent (haha tory!). I also like the blog comments (more grades=better overall). By the way, I totally get what you mean about no text talk. derek "to able to" (sorry i had to get a shot in there he's been bugging me about being catholic the whole time during the inferno ha hahaha)
<3-katie m

Anonymous said...

well, being one of the quieter few of the class, i apologize. it is a bit difficult to speak when the same people keep talking. their thoughts seem a bit repetitious(no offense to anyone). and everyone does seem to rush to get their three moments of speaking in, and to be perfectly honest, some of it seems to not have much thought put into it. it would be a bit nicer to have our words graded by content rather than the amount of times spoken.

don't get me wrong, i like the seminars even though i am quiet. i promise i will eventually speak more. eventually. i'm more of an observant person though. and it is a tad awkward for me to speak my thoughts very openly. sorry! really!

anyways, dante gave me the impression of an incredibly intelligent guy. that must have been really confusing making levels of hell and organizing sins and even organizing punishments for each sin. gah, genius. there were even levels within levels. he must have been very clear with his thoughts. i want to meet him. he sounds VERY interesting.

rachel craig
(i'm sorry for being quiet, i just feel like an awkward turtle sometimes. public speaking isn't my forte.)

Anonymous said...

I agree with David partly about th semiar.I think that if we are going to have a seminar we need to have more class time to do it. However, i also think that people rushing in a little bit is not necessarily a bad thin (nothing personal david) if people aren't struggling to get a word in the conversation stops or gets really boring. On the other hand people that are more on the shy side are having trouble stepping into the conversation. We need to find a healthy balance between the two. I must say, there were a lot of things in this book that we could of talked about but nobody seemed to feel the need to say them...i think this part of the seminar could use some work. This was actually one of my favorite seminars because i felt like we really got inside a lot of other people's heads and i liked knowing what they thought about the book and the writer.

Anonymous said...

The seminar was like the last one; Some people made comments others didn't. I personally think that this seminar was more difficult considering the simple fact individually we did not read the entire book. Which did leave open the opportunity to ask questions about the other cantos, but I felt it left us with a lack of topics to talk about.