Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"What Dreams May Come"

Even though we only watched three five minute excerpts, I am curious about your opinions about the movie compared to the book. Was seeing the visual image more horrific than reading it, or is your imagination more graphic than the movie-creators? Do some of you think you will plan to watch the entire movie?


Anonymous said...

I think that the movie wasn't as grotesque as I had imagined the book. I think the movie had many similarities to the book, such as the punishments.


Anonymous said...

Seeing the scene in the movie, that Dante described in his book, helped me see how horrific and terrible it really was. Actually seeing what a writer describes helps me to understand the describtion. The clips that we watched in class showed the representation of Dante's hell just as they were described. I do hope to watch the entire movie.

Tammy said...

Watching the movie clips today actually gave me a visual of what the Inferno was actually like. When we saw the part when the souls were stuck in the “mud”, it kind of grossed me out for like two seconds. It was a great visual for the book! I actually couldn’t visualize any of the punishments, but after seeing the clips (even though they were without sound), it was a great help!

After the seminar today in class, I really started to think about what we discussed, and came to the conclusion: Dante really wasn’t totally psycho. He was really, like Aaron said, a genius. If the book was written for the people of today, then the punishments don’t seem as severe. But maybe he wrote it to get the pagans and the sinners of Florence to confess. Maybe at that time, those punishments were severe for that time in history. Mrs. Davis, I know that he maybe wrote it just for fun, but after the seminar, I really do think that he may have wrote it to save other people. Maybe that is why the wrote it in such a way that everybody could read it.

Tammy Malakhov

Anonymous said...

As we've already questioned, weather or not Dante was brilliant or morbid, he sure was creative. Anything above the norm interests me, so this movie is definately going on my "top to watch" list. While the book forced my mind to circle in a unfamilar, twisted way, I did enjoy viewing someone else's take on Dante's descriptions.


Anonymous said...

I think the movie helped give me a better visual. My imagination I think was a whole lot worse than the movie though. I plan on watching the movie and understanding more of the book that way.
Cierra Anderson

Anonymous said...

The book was very descriptive, and I am amazed how the producer was able to create such scenes in the movie. Turns out I had seen pieces of "What Dreams May Come" and I definatly would love to watch the entire movie. I felt Dante was specific and clearly painted a picture in my mind when he described each level. Seeing the few clips of the movie did help though. It wasn't left up to the imagination alone but gave an actual image.

I was impressed with the book, and would not mind reading the entire book as well as his other two.

Anonymous said...

I can definitely see the fact that the director had read at least part of Dante's works in order to make this film. The movie is however quite different because it isn't quite as graphic as the book is. Either way, I'd definitely be interested in renting it just to see the entire film.


Anonymous said...

The way that I imagined things to be while I was reading was definitely more lurid than when I saw the clips from the movie. I think that no matter how good a movie is, it'll always come in second-best to the book. "What Dreams May Come" does look like something I'd enjoy watching, though.