Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Opening of "Troy"

Odysseus: [voiceover] Men are haunted by the vastness of eternity. And so we ask ourselves: will our actions echo across the centuries? Will strangers hear our names long after we are gone, and wonder who we were, how bravely we fought, how fiercely we loved?

These are powerful first lines. The opening lines, opening scenes, in movies really set the tone for the movie. What reactions do you have to these lines, knowing the epic characteristics and the text of The Iliad as you do?


Anonymous said...

I think these lines are good because everyone wants to be remembered. Achilles is told that if he stays and fights, he will die and but his name will be remembered and if he leaves and goes home, his name will be forgotten. People want to do things that will make even total strangers know their name even after they are long gone. So I think these opening lines have a lot of meaning.

Anonymous said...

The lines most certainly set the tone for the film. The Greeks were obviously into the whole honor and family name thing. For example, recall that scene were Paris backs out of the fight, then everybody hates him. It also involves the main plot line of the film. Why did Achilles do the crazy awesome things he did? So people would remember him. Did it work? I don't know, when's the last time you heard about Achilles? Depending on your reading skills, I'm betting 2 to 8 seconds ago.
-David Hannah

Anonymous said...

When I hear this, I think of how in the epic, that every man wants to be remembered. It seems that no man in the movie wants to be the one who is not remebered. They all seem to have the mindset that if they fight, and kill others that they will be honored, and thought of in the many years to come. If they do something great people will remember them, as to if they do not do something great, less would remember them. Agamemnon when he lead the army did not only want to get Helen back, but to take Troy. If he had taken Troy then he probably would have been remembered for taking Troy, and not getting his brother's wife back.

-Haylie G

Ben Taylor said...

I think those lines are pretty epic, escpecially when refering to the time and place the movie was. Like David said, they really were into honor and stuff. I think every epic story has to have some kind of inspiration to it. Like in Braveheart it was freedom and "Every man dies, but not every man really lives." Stuff like that. Even though Troy wasn't really my favorite movie, I can still appreciate the epic reason why Achilles fights.


Anonymous said...

Those words are very fitting for this story. The only reason Achilles was living was to make a name for himself, and he went to extreme measures to make sure that happened. I can relate to that mindset. Why would one want to live for the mediocre? I myself couldn't stand living a boring, average life without meaning. I plan to do great things that will make change. It would be a wasted life to me if I didn't. I enjoyed this epic poem.

Anonymous said...

In today's society to be remembered as a part of history you either have to do great things,stupid things,or have died in a shocking way. Back then it was the same way. Everyone wanted to be remembered after they died and it led to Achilles doing some incredible things and taking some huge risks. I don't think that the writer of the movie could of found more fitting lines to describe the plot of the movie Troy. Achilles wants so badly to be remembered but I thought that it was interesting how he left this great battle because of the dishonor brought about by Agamemnon. He didn't just live for glory and remembrance, he also lived for honor and love. He's def. a hero in my book.

Anonymous said...

We all want to be remembered for a long time. But when you think about it, you better be sure what you're remembered for. For example...you've got Hitler. Nobody except an insane person wants to be remembered like him.I think deep down in all of us, we all want to have a name like Achilles and be remembered forever. The question is: What are YOU, what am I, what are WE willing to do for it?

- D. Murray -

Anonymous said...

These opening lines truly represent one of the main themes for troy. Obviously through out the whole movie everyone especially Achilles talks about being remembered. I think there is a desire within all of us to be remembered and do something great. This can be good because it serves as a motivator to contribute to society. I think it is also bad because it is such a prideful attitude. What those lines are really saying is that I want it to be all about me and my name. Danielle

Anonymous said...

Those lines honestly gave me the chill bumps when i first read them because those are questions you really want an answer to, but you know you never will which in this case wouldnt make you feel so important when you died. Exactly like Graham said, Achilles wants to be remembered so thats why he goes and fights just so that people will know who he is and no that he's not messing around.

.*CaSeY JoHnSoN*.

A. Davis said...

Derek, VERY deep answer!!! Something to think about. And Casey, that line gives me goose bumps too.

Anonymous said...

This is an epic opening line to say the least. Deep inside everyone has a since of wanting to be remembered for great things. I believe the time period in which this epic took place this mindset is very apparent in the minds of all warriors but above all in Achilles. Achilles is willing to go above and beyond not to protect his country but to protect his legacy. Even though thousands of years have passed since all of the events in this book took place this character trait is still prevailent in each of us ,and this trait will always be a part of our human nature no matter how much time passes.


Anonymous said...

How many times does one say something as deep like this quote from Odysseus? Something that makes you sit there an yearn for an answer, yet never finding one if one doesn't look in their heart.

Our past is filled with memories: some good, some bad, but they will always be permanent. Our future is a "vastness of eternity", unsure and sometimes even scary. When one is in a war like Odysseus and Achilles were, one could only think of what can he do to impact this world before it's time to leave this earth; before time runs out and it is too late. No matter what they decided to do, it was permanent, never to be erased from history.

...and ever echoing for eternity.

Tammy Malakhov

Anonymous said...

The words are very powerful and pretty much tell you Achilles' personality. The only thing he really wants is to be remembered, in both the movie and book. Being remembered is somewhat important to all of us, but it isn't something that should rule your life. The times have changed since then so maybe that is why I don't fully understand the importance. It isn't really if you are remembered or no but what you're remembered for.


Anonymous said...

These lines do have a lot of meaning. For centuries, people have had to present themselves in some special way, or do something remarkable and extraordinary - whether it benefits anything in a positive way or not - to earn themselves a spot in history. People want their name to carry on throughout time, they don't want to become just another statistic. What they're actually willing do, though to make themselves remembered can at times make others question their motives, and often their sanity. I think, just like Achilles, we all want to make an impact and be remembered forever. -Zdravka

UNCBandGeek said...

I think that in a way everyone thinks about what will happen when they leave. People are more concerned with who they have been and what they are known for than anything else. Pride and honor are two of the major problems in teh society. Take Achilles for example, he would have rather died and have his name live forever then to live a long happy life with someone he loved. This problem kind of remids me of a quote, "We have eyes in the front of our head so we can see where we are going not where we have been." ~Roy Williams. i think it is more important to recognize current heroes than people who lived thousands of years ago.

~Meredith Rachel McDuffee~

Anonymous said...

I think that these lines are very true and have a meaning to just about anyone. Because i was gone for much of the book, im still catching up on it but the biggest example i've read would be Achilles. He is given the chance to basically go on to the battlefield and die or or go home and live but be forgotten. I think this plays into everyday life with things such as movie stars or music artists in many ways such as: I can be famous and throw away me beliefs, morals, and principles or i can be a nobody and stand for what i believe in. Most people would probably choose fame.

~Aaron J. Chastain~

Anonymous said...

Those lines give a deep insight to the movie. He chose to fight and die to make his name be remembered when like any other human being could've lived a simple yet desirable life with a family. What is so impressive is that one of the most admired and feared warriors spent so much time dwelling on the future but more so on the impact his life made. Personally, who cares what people think of you centuries from now? Why not let somebody else shine then and you be content being in the spotlight right Now.
It is a remarkable quote that holds much truth. "Odysseus" knew what he was talking about.

Anonymous said...

I've got to say, those sentences really made me excited to watch "Troy". Seriously, they're deep. I suppose that's what I like about them. They're true, also. I think, as humans, we naturally have a desire to be remembered for something great. Though, for some, it's just to be remembered, what ever that may take.

Also, all of the names in The Iliad kept confusing me. I kept mixing them up with eachother due to similar spelling and what not. Not only were they similar to eachother, they were just weird. Sorry. I had to put that out there.

Anywho. Good movie, great quote.

rachel c.
p.s. David always has the greatest quotes.

Anonymous said...

There are those of us who decide to never think of death. Others curiously consider how they might be remembered. Then there are those who strive to live life so passionately one could never forget them. I believe because the lines are so intense, they catch our attention. In a sense they're relative to us all. The lines also allow us to understand Achilles was one who had a goal to outlast time.
