Friday, February 27, 2009

Week of March 2

Finally, finally, finally! Julius Caesar is here! Remember what I said about paying close attention and taking GOOD notes, because this test is a killer.

Monday, March 2
Extra Credit activity

Tuesday, March 3
Act I

Wednesday, March 4
Act II

Thursday, March 5

Friday, March 6
Character activity
DUE: Journals

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Opening of "Troy"

Odysseus: [voiceover] Men are haunted by the vastness of eternity. And so we ask ourselves: will our actions echo across the centuries? Will strangers hear our names long after we are gone, and wonder who we were, how bravely we fought, how fiercely we loved?

These are powerful first lines. The opening lines, opening scenes, in movies really set the tone for the movie. What reactions do you have to these lines, knowing the epic characteristics and the text of The Iliad as you do?

Monday, February 23, 2009


There are several I have not posted (approved) for several reasons. You all are still being too casual on here with your comments and negativity, so to speak. Also, and I can't believe I have to put a number of sentences requirement on this, but if your comment is not at least a few sentences long (like, five or six), I am not going to count it. Seriously people, this is practically FREE points. Kick it up a notch or two... :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Week of February 23

Well, I have to be honest and say that I am kind of glad to be finishing The Iliad this week because we now get to go to my second favorite unit... JULIUS CAESAR!!!!! I cannot wait. I feel like most of the feedback from you all thus far on most of what we have read has been pretty negative. Let's just say that if you don't like Caesar, I am giving up hope that you will like anything. :) I LOVE IT!!! I can't wait. Seriously. (Are you thinking how sad it must be to be an English teacher and get so excited about a play???)

Monday, February 23
Define Unit 4
16-20 Notes
Go over 16-20 Answers
Read 21-24
DUE: 16-20 answers

Tuesday, February 24
21-24 Notes
Go over 21-24 Answers
Watch clean-flicked "Troy"
DUE: 21-24 answers

Wednesday, February 25
Finish "Troy"

Thursday, February 26
Shakespeare video, questions

Friday, February 27
Vocab quiz 4
Extra credit activity

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Iliad

We took notes over the characteristics of an epic. What examples can you point out from The Iliad that fit the criterion?

Try Your Hand...

Iliad Game

Here is an Iliad Game on the Internet. It's pretty fun. Give it a try and post any comments you have about it.

Week of February 17

Sorry I was so late getting this up!!!

Tuesday, February 17
Intro to The Iliad
Read Books 1-5

Wednesday, February 18
Notes over 1-5
Go over Questions for 1
Read Books 6-10

Thursday, February 19
Notes over 6-10
Go over Questions for 6 and 9
Read Books 11-15

Friday, February 20
Notes over 11-15
Read Books 16-20
DUE: Journals

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Your Thoughts on the Seminar...

What are your thoughts at its completion? How did you feel about the book? Like it? Hate it? How did you like it compared to All Quiet (understanding, of course, that they are COMPLETELY different!)?

I thought the seminar today went well. However, I am still baffled at the lack of participation. I can't imagine not talking to get an easy grade!!! Some of you need to step it up a bit!

"What Dreams May Come"

Even though we only watched three five minute excerpts, I am curious about your opinions about the movie compared to the book. Was seeing the visual image more horrific than reading it, or is your imagination more graphic than the movie-creators? Do some of you think you will plan to watch the entire movie?

The Power of Writing

We talked about this a little bit in class, but you have now read some pieces of The Inferno. What do you think about the power Dante had as a writer to create this fictional hell and place people in it from his contemporary culture? Do you think it was ethically correct for him to do this? Would you enjoy a chance to have this sort of power in writing? What are your thoughts on this text?

Dante's World

For further reference on your cantos, check out this link from the university of Texas. This is not intended as a replacement for your reading, however.

Week of February 9



Monday, February 9
My notes on The Inferno
Define Unit 3

Tuesday, February 10
Inferno Test
Inferno Seminar

Wednesday, February 11
Vocab Quiz 3
"Love" Activity
Intro to The Iliad

Enjoy your VERY long break while we are here slaving away...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Week of February 2


Monday, February 2
Intro to Inferno

Tuesday, February 3
Work in pairs on cantos

Wednesday, February 4
Work in pairs on cantos

Thursday, February 5
Present cantos

Friday, February 6
Present cantos
DUE: Journals

Extra credit Inferno project due next Monday!!! Have a good week! Be good for the sub!