Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thank You, American Heroes.

Thank You, American Heroes.... from CHS English II Honors, Fall 2009:

"Superheroes may not be real, but the closest to a superhero is you protecting us and fighting the bad guys."

"I think a true hero is someone who puts their life on the line for what they believe in."

"The thought of someone risking their life so I can sit here, free, today, is an incredible thing to me. Thank you. You are the reason why I can hold my own religion. You are the reason why I can dance. You are the reason I have free speech to writ this. You are the reason I am the girl I am today. I will probably never meet you, but despite this, in a sense, you have saved my life."

"I think we citizens take for granted our rights and freedoms and forget who is helping to protect these freedoms."

"In this life, there are always the people who take chances, who take what they have and try to make something out of it. There are also people who take all that they have for granted and just live until they die, leaving nothing behind. But in the end, it's all possible thanks to the people who are willing to serve before being served. People that sacrifice all they have so that their children have time to play and never worry about their lives and whether or not they are going to make it through. This great life we have is thanks to people like you."

"I know it takes a lot of courage to call yourself and be a soldier and people should realize that you fought for them and their future generations. Without you, brave soldier, I can honestly say that I might not be here to enjoy the wondrous joys of freedom that I have today."


Anonymous said...

I believe we all need to be more thankful of our U.S. veterans. These quotes are both impressive and very true. We would have very few freedoms, if any at all, if it wasn't for these people who are willing to risk their lives for us. The people who risk their lives for us are the ones that we celebrate and applaud on Veterans Day. The quote that says something along the lines of, "a hero is someone who stands up for what they believe in and fights for it." That's my favorite. Very true. Thank you veterans.

-Chad Voytik a.k.a. $e@v0Y@eR

Anonymous said...

I think that everybody should try and be more thankful for our soldiers and veterans from past wars. The quotes you have selected are deep and very true. If it weren't for the guys overseas risking their lives every day we would not have many freedoms if any. My favorite quote out of these is the one that says "I think we citizens take for granted our rights and freedoms and forget who is helping to protect those freedoms." I think that is so true. So many times we just take for granted what any citizen in any other country would die for and we don't even thank the guys that give them to us but one day a year? I think we should celebrate them.
Thank you veterans for all you do for us.

-Jake Moats

Anonymous said...

I do think sometimes that we do forget who is helping us keep our freedom and that the soldiers who risk everything do not get enough appreciation for what they have done. It takes some one who is couragous and willing to risk everything to face what most soldiers each day. There sacrifices become our freedom and I would like to thank them.

-Jacora Parker, 4th

Anonymous said...

I believe that we need to have a monthly thing to remind us about our veterans. People that know a veteran wouldn't forget about what they did, but they don't realize what exactly what it was like. People just know what they have been told.
We don't realize how much different our lives would be if we didn't have anyone fighting for us. I think that if everyone got a taste of what it's like in the war, we would be less greedy and selfish.
My grandpa was a veteran for WWII. I knew that he was a veteran, but I had no idea what he went through. I wish I could of asked him about what it was like. Usually veterans don't like to talk about the war though, because they come home to have a break from all of the killing and destroying. It must be really hard. So thank you veterans for making USA what it is today.

-Leah Smalley, 4th Period