Monday, November 9, 2009

Honor to Whom Honor is Due

You all might have noticed that I changed the song on the blog. I just thought that with Veteran's Day coming up this week, and the Holocaust unit, this would be a great time to reflect on the honor we owe our veterans and current armed forces personnel. You guys have seen as we have gone through this unit how blessed we are to live in America. The rights that we enjoy (the same rights which were taken from the Jews in Nazi Germany) are protected by our military personnel. Your political persuasions don't come into play, your personal opinions about our current war don't matter, and your like or dislike for the way our country is run has nothing to do with the fact that we are a blessed people. Today, you wrote a thank you letter to a veteran. I would like for you to spend some time between now and Wednesday and reflect on what it means to be American, and what kind of a debt of gratitude we owe to people like that.

*Note: Feel free to comment on this (I would love it if you did), HOWEVER, it does not count as your Holocaust unit comment.


Anonymous said...

I do not believe it is possible to thank our troops enough. The amount they sacrifice is almost hard to fathom.
They give up their time, health, family comfort, and sometimes even their lives. Just so we (complete strangers) can continue to lead our everyday, normal lives.
They truly are heroes, and we cannot honor them enough.

-Yusra Siddiqui