Monday, November 9, 2009

Father Patrick DesBois

I read this afternoon about a French priest who has taken on the mission of discovering every mass grave of Jews in the Ukraine. It is a pretty interesting story and the link to the NY TImes article is below. I am also linking a podcast (below that) from the USHMM about it.

NY Times article:


If you read the article or listen to the podcast, I would love to hear your thoughts on it. These would have been the victims of the mobile killing squads we talked about today.

What is the importance of knowing where someone is buried, of having an actual grave to visit? Why do people return to the scene of accidents and deaths? Why are these things so important to us as humans?


Anonymous said...

Well there are several reasons why this story is so inspiring. And, like you said, it's very important that someone uncover these graves and thank god someone is going to. I say this because with a grave, you are able to really see the atrocious acts committed by the Nazis. You actually see the vast number of people that had their lives taken away. Also, it gives the decendants of the Jewish victims a place to mourn. What I'm saying is, the grave represents a final resting place for these people. Without a grave, it is really unknown what happened to them. But with a grave, you can see what became of them. This brings peace to their souls and to the people who mourn them. In conclusion, Father Patrick DesBois is a very good man who is doing a very good deed, even if what happened was one of the darkest events in human history.

-Drew Nicholson (Taylor Swift's future husband)
-3rd Period