Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Power of Writing

We talked about this a little bit in class, but you have now read some pieces of The Inferno. What do you think about the power Dante had as a writer to create this fictional hell and place people in it from his contemporary culture? Do you think it was ethically correct for him to do this? Would you enjoy a chance to have this sort of power in writing? What are your thoughts on this text?


Allison Ragland said...

I think Dante had a lot of power when he wrote this book. He put many famous popes and other people in his book. This was his own opinion to set people in the place he thought was appropriate. It might have made people of his time actually think about their actions. I personally do not think I have enough creativity to produce such great works like Dante's. I would be afriad to put someone in hell because of what their reactions might be. I thought Dante was very creative when he wrote The Inferno.

Mark Garaguso said...

I think Dante had a lot of power when writing this book. I also think he had a lot of guts to put the famous Popes and people with political power in Hell. I don't think I would be able to create my own version of the "Inferno", because even though it is fiction, I don't beleave that I have the power to deside who goes to Hell. I thought that a;; of Dantes punishments fit the crime and he painted a good picture in my head of what Hell would be like.

Jen O'Neal said...

Dante had a bunch of power when he wrote The Inferno. As a writer I believe that Dante had the freedom to put whoever he wanted to in Hell even if it they didn't deserve to be in hell. After all it's a fictional book and he has the that freedom as a writer. I wouldn't want to write a book and put people in Hell. I wouldn't be able to judge who deserved to be there. I found The Inferno to be a very detailed work that took a lot of time to write. I found it a little hard to understand, but overall I thought it was okay.

Brittny Bryant said...

I think anybody would have a lot of power when writing a book, you can say anything you want to. So of course Dante obviously had a lot of power. To me, I honestly don't think it was ethically correct, like I wouldn't want to create my own Hell and put people such as Popes down there. Its not my choice to decide who does and does not go to Hell. I wouldn't enjoy it at all. Well from what I read and learned from other people, I think he did a great job on writing it, like corresponding the sins with the punishments and the whole rhyme scheme. It was difficult for me to follow a little bit, but other than that I liked it.

Darby Keith said...

One thing we talked about during the seminar in class one day is, is Dante a psyco or like pretty much awesome for writing this book? I think he's both, it's really odd he can make hell like that and that he has THAT much time on his hands to make it. How he fit all the punishments with the sins and the circles and pouches and everything, it's pretty cool. Very interesting. It's a pretty good book, I enjoyed it alot. It gives you a different perspective on Hell. I like it. :)

Jenishea Lewis said...

With the genre of fiction, anyone has the infinite power of creating and expressing whatever they want. I think that Dante was in fact a genius for being able to create such a complex version of Hell. He was a smart man, so choosing those certain people to be in Hell I think was just an eye-opener to the people of his time; not simply because he thought he had the right to be God. I believe that he was bringing people to reality and scaring them with the fact that it doesn't matter who you are, some sins you commit can't be taken back or forgotten; and could even save you a nice spot in Hell. I don't think writing this book was a matter of entertaining his readers and giving them what they wanted, because he obviously didn't care what they thought. I think It was more about showing the true dirt behind the human tendency to sin; the purpose maybe being to make people realize what their most commited sin is and to possibly work on it.

Anonymous said...

Brittany Hall
I think that dante had a good view of what he wanted to put in his book The Inferno. Becasue he had put famous people in Hell such as the famous popes. And I am pretty sure that he had alot of time invested in this book. and I don't think that I could do a fictional book of hell. Like Dante did.Dante is a strong writer.I do thin he has the write to do this kind of book, because he had made punsihments that had fit the sin.I would not know how to start a book like Dante's because I wouldn't know exactly what to do and who to put in Hell.

maria lopez said...

I believe that Dante's writing infused power majorly. he had many popes and people that were "great" such as alexander. He did not care what other people thought. He told people what some of their wrongs were. I don't believe he just added them there for no apparent reason. I find it facinating however until now how the punishments match up with the sin. I can not imagine thinking up such things. As I read I was marveled because he used alot of symbolism. He definetly had power along with a extrordinary creative mind.

Bri Foley said...

When an author writes a book, they have the power to write about whatever they come up with. So yes, I do think that Dante had power when he wrote The Inferno. I would not like to have this power just because I don't like people disliking me and I wouldn't want to make them angry. I'm sure this book was extremely controversial in his time to place people in hell and punish them in certain ways as it would today with modern people. I think he created and verbally illustrated a version of hell in a creative way.

Caleb Wolverton said...

I think Dante was mad at the world. He had so many people he put in hell and he didnt just think about it he wrote about it. But if you think about he also wrote about paradise which kind of balances out his craziness, because he was also thinking about good thing whike he was thinking about hell