Sunday, October 4, 2009


In America, we think and discuss leadership, politics, and government very often. Without discussing anything specific from our own political parties and without making any points by name, please think for a few minutes and comment on the following questions that this play raises. What makes a good leader? Is it okay to sacrifice the rights of an individual for the good of many, the way that Brutus and the conspirators sacrificed Caesar for Rome? What would the perfect government look like? Brutus, one could argue, is in favor of a democratic leadership. He fears the total power Caesar wanted to assume. With that being said, is it ironic at all that Brutus chose a VERY undemocratic method of finding a solution to the problem? Are there any contemporary world events-- or any in recent history-- which parallel Brutus' taking of Caesar's life? Do such comparisons help you understand Brutus' position or the world in the play?


Anonymous said...

- A good leader is A person who will sacrifice him/herself for his/her people. A leader should never take the easy way out. A leader should always consider what's best for everyone rather than for one person.
- When Brutus and the other conspirators took Caeser's life, they were doing it for the common good. I think that they had to do what they had to do. I can't personaly think of any other way to get what they wanted for their country.
- The perfect government would be one that focusses on the important issues. One that isn't worried about animals being abused (though I STRONGLY believe animals shouldn't be abused) when there are millions of babies murdered each year. There would be leaders in this government that cared more about the thousands of children being abused than their own image. It would be a government that would rather spend money on the many families that are starving and on the streets without a home rather than the leader's private jets and fancy things. Everyone, including the leader and his/her helpers, would be treated equal. If a person is homeless or a millionare, it wouldn't matter.
- Not really because if Brutus wanted to have the democratic government that he wanted, he had to get rid of Caeser one way or another.
-I can't think of any good examples in recent history, but I'm sure that there are. History always repeats itself.

Whitney Stephenson 4th

A. Davis said...

GREAT response, Whitney. Very well-thought out. :)

Anonymous said...

*I think a good leader is someone who thinks of others before him/her self. They should always think of the better way to do something rather than the easy way. I also think a good leader is someone who does whats best for everyone, rather them him/her self. They should also be respected by the people very well.
*I think when Brutus and the comspirators killed Caesar everyone was shoked, but the people didn't really know that Brutus and the comspirators did that for the good of all of them. There were only thinking about the good of their country rather than themselves.
*I think the perfect government would be one that is a democracy. Who would listen to everyones problems, and try to do what is best for the whole country. Also i think a perfect government should try to focus on the real problems and the ones that matter the most.
*I dont really think it was ironic because if he didnt kill Caesar then he wouldn't have a chance to have a democratic government that he wanted.
*At this moment i cant think if any examples of recent history that are kinda the same as Brutus's killing of Caesar. But if there was i bet they would of made it easier to understand Brutus' position.

Jessica Davenport, 4th period (:

Jacob R. - 4th period said...

A good leader must be able to think of others before themselves. They should consider how his/her actions will affect the public. One who makes decisions without thinking of others will, more than likely make a descision that is not favored by all of the society, which leads to conflict.
-I think that the killing of Caesar was needed. The "common good" of the people was at stake. If Caesar had not been killed, who knows what would have happened to society.
-I feel that a perfect government would be based upon dealing with the country's needs and not so much upon others (though it is a good idea to help where you can). The government would be run by a leader who focuses on the more important issues of the country. Like Whitney, said the government would be more focused on helping pay for those who can't afford to manage finances, rather than using it on the learder's on selfish needs.
-I think that Brutus could have thought of a more peaceful way to help protect the government that he wanted. He could of asked Caesar to have a gov't council that helped him make the decisions, rather than just taking the life of Caesar.
- I don't really know of any instances in recent time that this has taken place, but yet, it probably has.

Anonymous said...

~I think a good leader is somebody that puts others before themself at all times. A leader should be willing to sacrifice his/her own things for other people that look up to him/her. I've always been told that a good leader is somebody who leaves other people feeling better about themselves. I definitely agree with that in all ways. Leaders should take advice from other people that look up to him/her and make his/her people feel good about themselves.
~I think what Brutus and the other conpirators did was best for all the people. Brutus and the conspirators knew what was best for all the people and they were just looking out for them, like what all good leaders should do.
~I think that the perfect government would be something like the government that America has. Our government has good leadership and they know what they're doing. I personally don't think we could ask for a better government here in America.
~I don't think that it was Ironic, because either way, he would've had to kill Caesar.
~Right now, I don't know of any examples in History that are similar to the one in Julia Caeaser, but I'm sure there are. I know it'd be easier to understand what happened in Julia Caeasar if we knew of experiences in history similar to the one in this story.

~Christina Ray
4th period

Anonymous said...

I think a good leader should be intelligent, courageous, confident, hard-working, and open-minded. If I had a choice between Caesar and Brutus being leaders. I would pick Brutus even though he took a part in the plot against Caesar.
Even though I do believe Brutus had good intentions when killing Caesar, he was still in the wrong. There has to be some other way to making sure Caesar doesn't become king then by killing him. Lock him up and put him in a dungeon until he gives up rule or something of the sort. Even though that still isn't very nice, it is better than killing a man for something he hasn't done yet.
I agree with a democratic government, all power given to one person isn't right to me. Personally I think there is no perfect government. There will always be problems with the government and citizens of the country.
I find it very ironic that Brutus used a very undemocratic way of solving the problem.
Although I can't think of any important events in history, I feel strongly about not wanting Brutus to kill Caesar.

-Rachel Bentley, 3rd Period

Brandon Caylor 3rd Block said...

I have to agree with what Whitney said, good leaders are willing to sacrifice themselves for their people. Whether it is physical sacrifice such as death, or as Caesar did not accepting a crown so that the senate could still be in power too.

I do believe it is alright do sacrifice the rights of a few men even, to help the rest of the people.The perfect government would have many of the features of our government, except the people would have much more say so in the matters of our country would be up to our people. Instead of their being officials who dont make the right decisions in power.Yes it is ironic. They could have went about other ways of get Caesar out of power.I can't recall any events in history that remind me of this episode but im sure it has happened

Anonymous said...

- I think what makes a good leader is morals and standards. Standards for the leader himself and for his country. Also putting his country's needs before his own needs.
- I think that it depends on your situation to sacrafice a person. If someone is really disturbing the country then yes you should kill them. If its something small and won't corrupt the country then no you should just let it play out.
-I don't honestly know what the perfect government would be like. I don't understand the governmet already so I wouldn't understand a perfect one. I guess it would be one that always knew what to do and never had any problems.
- I actually don't think its ironic. He did what he had to do for his country and he should be proud but also I couldn't live with myself if I killed a man. Apparently he could so he's strong.
- I don't pay much attention to current events in politics. I find it depressing so I don't know any now. If I did though I think that I'd either see that it was easier or harder.

Jordan Smith 4th period

Anonymous said...

What makes a good leader is someone who everyone can trust and depend on. Caesar is a fine example of a good leader. He pushed away the crown just for his people. When he really, really wanted it. That act showed that he was there for his people, and not himself. No, I do not think it was okay for them to do that. Taking someone's life like that isn't right in my mind at all. Caesar was a guy that was all about his people. If the people didn't like the way he was doing things, all they had to do was say so and I'm sure he would've fixed it. The perfect government would be where all of the citizens were happy, and had word on every action taken. A perfect government is where everyone could be trusted. Obviously, that wasn't the way this government worked. Caesar trusted Brutus and Cassius, yet they took his life. Yes it is ironic, but this shows that Brutus was somewhat of a coward to actually think that he would get away with this and have power in the end. There probably are events that relate to this, but not to my knowledge. Comparisons like that would make it more understandable. It just gives a better understanding of how the whole thing happened.

-Trisha, 4th Period.

Anonymous said...

-I believe a good leader is one that puts everyone else before his/herself. A good leader would think about what is best and benefits all instead of for himself such as Caesar did. A good leader would put him/herself through obstacles for the common people.
-I think that what Brutus and the conspirators did was good. They weren't doing it to gain power to themselves or use it to their advantage like someone else would. They thought through it very clearly and decided it was for the good of the common people.
- I don't think that we can have a perfect government. We could have flaws in everything. We could try to accomplish one goal but, yet there could still be another that we need to fix. We would have a good government if our leaders would stop thinking about themself and focus more on our common people. People who are struggling to make ends meet for their children. Children who wander the streets at night or live outside. If we want to make it to where education is extremely important than we have to take care of the children who are struggling to have meals and a place to sleep. They are more concerned with that at night more than they are with getting the right amount of edcuation. If we provided something like that for them they wouldn't have to worry as much but, have more time to worry about school.
- No it wasn't ironic. If Brutus did want a democratic government he would've found a way to get rid of Caesar. So either way he got rid of him. Not ironic at all
- I can't think of any recent history. and don't quite understand the question. I would like to say how people killed Martin Luther King. They probably thought that killing him would be for the better of the nation. I really don't know of any or quite understand it.
Sandy Ha.

Anonymous said...

:)- A good leader is one that you can trust. It is usally is a person that is well repected in the community. He/she will always do the right thing and set good examples.

;)- This is a tough one. But I am going to go ahead and say yes it is. Being a leader that Ceasar was, you would want the best for your people. So in the case of Brutus, I'm guessing they did what they thought was best for Rome.

:0- Perfect Government. HA funny. like this would ever happen. But anyway a perfect government would be one that simply everyone agrees on a subject and not argue about every little thing.

:P- It really wasn't that ironic because he had a feeling of the complete power Ceasar was going to have so he would have had to do something with him anyway.

:(- I agree with Whitney, History doed tend to repeat. And I can't really think of one either.

Brandon Strickland
4th Block

Anonymous said...

A good leader is someone who would do something for others by sacrificing themselves, or something that is important to them. A leader is someone is ready at all times to step up.When brutus and the others took ceasers life they were doing it for the good, and that makes brutus look like a leader. They did it to help others and show what others and themselves could do without him. The perfect government would be one that doesnt just focus on one indiviual things, it would need to be one that focuses on everyones needs, and lets everone have a voice in things. In this kind of governement everyone was a follower in everything anyone said or did.. if Brutus said he was king and gave a speech the whole crowd would follow them, if it was always like this than it wouldnt be good!

Anonymous said...

I think Caesar seemed like a good leader. I think a good leader knows what the people of his/her country wants and likes and does their best as a leader to give it to them and keep peace. Caesar knew that his people did not want to be ruled under a king and he turned down the crown to please them. I think that it was selfish for the conspirators to take Caesar's life away. The only one that did it for a real reason was Brutus, who ACTUALLY intended on doing it for the good. I honestly don't know what would be the perfect government, but what we have right now, I don't like. I'm not into politics and things like that, so I really can't share too much cause I don't know what I'm talking about =] . I reallye enjoyed Caesar though, I thought it was very good. It's probally my favorite.
\Erycka R.

Anonymous said...

-A good leader is a strong person who holds strongly to their morals. They must always want the best for their people. Oh and my personal belief is that if the leader is a Christian, it wouldn't hurt. :) A leader must also be intelligent and not let all the power get to their head and affect their judgement.

-I think that every person has their own rights and shouldn't be sacrificed. Although, it really depends on the situation. In the U.S. I don't think that we ever really sacrifice the rights of one, for the good of many. Its more like the other way around. If someone's rights were violated but it helped millions of other people all anyone would think of is that one person and how it's so unfair. On the news, all anyone would see is how the one person was "sacrificed." As glorius as it sounds in Julius Caesar, society today would probably not buy it. At least, the US wouldn't. I think that it would've been right to sacrifice Caesar, but only if they had known for sure that Caesar would do bad things as king. They weren't really sure how power would change him so it was wrong of them to assume that he would be a bad king and just kill him.

-If i knew what the perfect government would look like I would draw a picture and send it to the president with a note on the envelope that says: "You want change? Time to transform our government and make it perfect" :) haha but I think a democracy is the best government that I have seen so far.I would make the taxes the same for anyone though, no matter how much money they make. And I do agree with Whitney on the subject of the government should spend more money on bigger issues that fancy jets. But I really don't know where all the government spending is going, so I can't complain about it.

-I don't think it's ironic because i have never really questioned his decision. There was really no other way for him to create/keep the government like a democracy.

-I can't think of any at the moment, but I'm almost certain I've seen many scenarios like this in movies.

-Elizabeth Coyle :)
4th period

Anonymous said...

*I think a good leader is someone who thinks of their cause before themselves. They should make every decision based on not just the opinions of one person but as many people and the population.
*I think that it was alright that Brutus and the conspirators killed Caesar. Actually, I only think it's okay that Brutus killed him because he actually had patriotic feelings toward his country and the rest of the conspirators seemed to just want Caesar dead because they were jealous.
*The perfect government, in my opinion, would focus more on the whole human population rather than on less important things. I think that people should be held higher than animals and other unimportant things. Abortion would be illegal and people wouldn't choose leaders because of race.
*Brutus had to get rid of Caesar to get the government he wanted.
*None come to mind, but I know there are some.

Courtney W. 4th

Anonymous said...

I think a good leadear is someone who doesn't really think about what is good for himself, but what good for the people. The people should be ruled by their own rules. That way, everyone is happy. Ceasar wanted to keep the people happy by refusing the crown. But at some point, he would just take it, and there would be nothing the people could do about it. So Brutus made the right choice. I mean, not like I'm saying it's ok to take a life, because remember, it's just a play. Anyways, I think Brutus had pretty good reasons to doing what he did.

Ricardo W. 4th period