Friday, October 23, 2009

Week of October 26

HOW fast in October flying by???  Love it.  This week we are going to frantically start and finish the essay unit (except, of course, for all that work you will be doing at home on this unit!), then get to one of my own educational passions, Holocaust education.  Our unit will begin next Friday.  I am anxious.  And eager.  I am always nervous about your reactions, nervous that I will fail to do a unit this important justice.  And I am always eager to take part in discussions with you, to hear your response to Night, to hopefully do my part in making you a more thoughtful member of our society.  So that's me for those three weeks-- nervous and eager.  That sums it up!

Monday, 10/26
Essay notes
Read and analyze essays
Peer groups for creative essays
DUE:  Creative essays

Tuesday, 10/27
Work on packets

Wednesday, 10/28
Work on packets
DUE:  Creative essay final draft
DUE:  Satire

Thursday, 10/29
Essay test
Work on packets

Friday, 10/30
Intro to the Holocaust
Notes, Chronology
DUE:  Journals

Monday, October 19, 2009

Unit 5 Vocab (with assignments for 3rd period)

Your job is to define your word on a sheet of paper, then illustrate your definition.  You can either draw, use magazine cutouts, photoshop, or whatever.  We will hang the sheets up around the room and see if that helps us on the vocabulary quiz.
This is due tomorrow.

accomplice-Dylan, Fernando
annihilate-Rachel B., Victoria
arbitrary-Meghann B. ,Kylee
brazen- Amber, Chad
catalyst- Brandon
exodus- Cody
incorrigible- Tyler
militant-Megan D.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Week of October 19

Everything got pretty shifted with the unexpected days off (which we don't mind AT ALL), so here are the new and improved plans for the week!

Monday, 10/19
Define Unit 5

Tuesday, 10/20
Research Library and Lab (HEL)
DUE:  Caesar projects

Wednesday, 10/21
Research (HEL)

Thursday, 10/22
Research (HEL)

Friday, 10/23
Vocab Quiz
Essay notes
Assign packet
Assign creative essay

Fall BREAK!!!

Yay!!!  I know that you all are as ready as I am (but I guarantee you that you aren't more so...) for some days of rest and relaxation!  I know that the upcoming nine days will be awesome for all of us to recharge.  I hope that you have a great break and are careful and safe.  I also want you to use this break to reflect.  When we come back, the nine weeks ends.  Some of you are probably happy with your grade but many of you probably would like to see improvement.  (I am of the opinion that there is always room for improvement unless you have a 100 average...)  Think back on the past nine weeks... think about your study habits... your class participation... your vocab scores... your organization... your attitude... your writing... your test-taking... Decide what you have done really well and capitalize on that.  Keep it up!  Decide where you can stand to improve and make some plans to do just that.  Come back refreshed and invigorated and ready to really make your grade whatever you want it to be.  If it's your attitude, make some changes in your thought processes.  If it's study skills/organization, get an organizer and use those time management skills you learned in Connections in September!  If it's ability (writing, vocab, tests), vow to yourself to try a little harder and put a little more into it after break.  You usually get out of something what you put into it.  I plan to do the same for you.  Enjoy Fall Break!!!  :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Week of October 5

We are running toward the finish of Caesar. I am going to be sad to see it end, but how happy are we all going to be to see FALL BREAK!?!?!? Yay!!! I have been very impressed by how much you all seem to be understanding on your own with Caesar. You all clearly have a strong background from your Shakespearean study last year.

Monday, 10/5
Character activity

Tuesday, 10/6
Act IV

Wednesday, 10/7
Act V

Thursday, 10/8
9 Week Test

Friday, 10/9
Character analysis


In America, we think and discuss leadership, politics, and government very often. Without discussing anything specific from our own political parties and without making any points by name, please think for a few minutes and comment on the following questions that this play raises. What makes a good leader? Is it okay to sacrifice the rights of an individual for the good of many, the way that Brutus and the conspirators sacrificed Caesar for Rome? What would the perfect government look like? Brutus, one could argue, is in favor of a democratic leadership. He fears the total power Caesar wanted to assume. With that being said, is it ironic at all that Brutus chose a VERY undemocratic method of finding a solution to the problem? Are there any contemporary world events-- or any in recent history-- which parallel Brutus' taking of Caesar's life? Do such comparisons help you understand Brutus' position or the world in the play?


Hey guys, I hope you all are enjoying Caesar as much as I am. Below is a posting for you to comment on...

Literary critic T.S. Dorsch said that Caesar makes "such extravagant expressions of arrogance that all sympathy for him is alienated, and the action of the assassins is for the moment almost accepted as justifiable."

What do you think?