Sunday, October 5, 2008

Week of October 6 (Can you believe it's already halfway through the semester?!?!?)

Wow, end of the nine weeks this week! September felt very long, but it is still shocking to me that the semester is going so fast. Hope you guys are ready to finish the nine weeks with a bang! (And a whole lot of BIG grades...)

Monday, October 6
DUE: Julius Caesar memorizations

Tuesday, October 7
Julius Caesar Test

Wednesday, October 8
9 Week Test (over All Quiet, The Inferno, The Iliad, and Julius Caesar)
DUE: Caesar projects

Thursday, October 9
Poetry Terms, Read and analyze

Friday, October 10
Poetry (write)
DUE: Caesar character analysis, JOURNALS

I know that a two day poetry unit is pathetic, but we really don't have time for much more. It kind of stinks because I LOVE poetry, but we have to get in the rest of the good stuff! :)


Anonymous said...

Unlike most, I CAN believe it is halfway through the semester. The weeks and days go by as time flies, one poem might have said. I am looking forward to another nine weeks of my compelling journals and presentations (at least I hope to present on some things). This has really been an amazing half semester so far. A part of me still wonders, what is to come?

-Jake Hartline

Anonymous said...

Only two days for poetry?? :(
I'm excited that we get to write some, but I still wish we had more time.
We should re-think the time limit on this unit.. :)
This semester is passing really quickly.
I'm not sure i'll be ready to leave. (haha)
I guess i'll just have to come back for another class.
I don't know, say.... Holocaust Lit.??? :)

Emily Hill

A. Davis said...

Jake, you are a nut. And Emily, I would love nothing more than to see you (and many others!) on my roll for Holocaust Lit next year! Maybe if we have time toward the end we can revisit poetry. I, personally, would love to. I just don't want to get pinched in the end and short our Holocaust or debate units, as those are my two favorite units. (Are you seeing a pattern, here? Do I not say that about EVERY unit? Really, though, Holocaust is my #1, debate my #2-- tied with Vietnam, Julius Caesar, and All Quiet!)

Chaz said...

I love poetry and all its forms. The only thing that i dont like is to write poems. People say that im good at them but i dont think i am.