Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Man/Woman Modeled Poems

We modeled poems after Nikki Giovanni's "Woman" poem.  Here are some stars!

She wanted to be a rose
But he wouldn't be the stem to hold her up
She wanted to be a voice,
But he wouldn't listen to her.

She wanted to be tears for him,
But he would not weep.
She tried being the stars
But he wouldn't look for her at night.

She tried being the honey,
But he wouldn't be the bear.
She tried to talk to him 
But he wouldn't listen for anything.

She wanted him to notice her
but she knew he never would.

She wanted him to love her
But he didn't realize.

She made up her mind and
changed into a woman.
He saw her do this and changed into a man.
He said to her, "Finally, you are who I want you to be ... yourself."
By Katelyn

She wanted to be his diary
Where he shared all of his feelings and secrets
Instead he closed the diary
And had to walk away.

She wanted to be his oasis
Where he found strength and refuge
All he saw was a mirage
Something he could not and would not have

She wanted to be his sweet cupcake
Layered with sweets and icing
He acted like he was on a diet
He was never hungry
And he never had a sweet tooth

She wanted to be with him
But she knew it could never be

They were two different people
Separate yet always together

They might have had a relationship
Maybe one day they will
But for now they are still separate
Still in love with each other
And they will until they die.
By Gabby

He wanted to be her shield
amidst the fighting
but she refused to 
hide behind his armor

He tried to be an umbrella
through the storm
but she wouldn't slip on her boots
and dance in the rain

He wanted to be her waves
gently crashing on the shore
but she refused to 
put on her swimsuit 
and step into the water

He longed to be her cloud on a hot summer's day
but she never saw need for rest

He offered to be her crying shoulder
but she always held back the tears

He became a candle
to lead her through the tunnel
but she took her own path
she found herself lost and in the dark
by then he was long gone
and on his own.
By Taylor

she wanted to be a star
that shone brightly in the sky
but he didn't want to gaze
just simply glance and keep going

she longed to be the air
that he needed in order to live
but he would rather die
than to breathe in such a thing

she wanted to be his laugh
that filled her life with joy
but he dared not smile
he didn't care if she was happy;
no not at all

she tried to be a blanket
but he insisted on staying cold

she desired to be a refuge
but he ran to only himself

she decided to be his ego
that he clung to for dear life
but we all know that men
would never think to surrender that.
By Payton


Anonymous said...

I am a fan of Jake Hartline's work, partially because I am Jake Hartline. These are pretty good, even though I'm not crazy about things like being prideful of the fact that you are a specific gender. Pretty good despite the fact that poetry isn't really my hustle.