Tuesday, October 21, 2008


"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself."
~Joseph Campbell

Campbell has done a lot of research on heroes, legends, and quests, the stuff that the Arthurian Legends are made of. What reactions do you have to this quote?

As a side note, I chose the picture at the top because it is a photograph of the Holocaust survivor who spoke to us yesterday at Vanderbilt. This photo was taken the day she left on a ship for the United States to her new adoptive family (her aunt and uncle). Her name is Frances Cutler, and her parents put her in an orphanage in Paris to save her. Her mother was murdered in Auschwitz and her father died as a French resistance fighter. I don't think I need to make the connection for you between this quote and this picture. I will say that, though Frances is certainly a hero for telling her story to student groups around the country, I cannot imagine being in a situation where the best scenario for my child to live is for me to have to give her up and leave her with strangers.


Anonymous said...

The quote given is an amazing description of what would be considered a hero.That is a really sad story about the lady who spoke, but it sounds like something very interesting to go hear.

Taylor Crumbley

Anonymous said...

We had a old woman come to our school last year and talk about her struggles during the Holocaust. To watch and hear her speak was incredible. It must have been so hard for her to tell her life story to a bunch of naive high school students who have never seen or felt the pain she had. It sounds just like the lady that your other class heard. I think both of those women who have given their lives to something bigger than themselves.

Anonymous said...

I remember the German woman that came to our school last year, like Hannah. It was amazing how she told some high schoolers her life story with no problem. She has to think about that every day of her life. I think she definitely qualifies as someone this quote is referring to.

Brooke Miller

Anonymous said...

I also saw the lady who came and spoke to us last year. It was incredible to hear her tell us stories of probably the hardest years of her life, and still be able to remain composed. This to me is incredible, because if I was ever in a situation as hard as these were, i think it would have been easier to whine and complain and think poor me. But so many tell their stories so other people can realize, and they usually never complain. I think this definatly qualifies for a hero.
Meryn Evans

Anonymous said...

The quote really does explain what is a hero. I also remember he German women who spoke last year. She really made me think about what we have today. And I agree with Brooke in that the quote would match her.
Ariana Dorr

Anonymous said...

The quote speaks truth. Any hero (who has saved lives, not celebrity role model) in history has put his/her life in danger in some way in order to protect someone else. For example, US soldiers risk their lives every day to protect freedom.

Anonymous said...

This quote describes a hero perfectly. Both of the woman were heros. They share their stories and relive their stories everyday. They have to think about the troubles and the punishments that Hitler made them go through. I am glad that these woman are stepping up and telling their story and keeping their composure through it. That shows a lot. I just don't get why the world has to be so cruel. I saw this sticker on a car that i really like. It says, "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."

Katelyn McChesney

Anonymous said...

People who can tell the story about a difficult time in their life amaze me.I think they tell these stories to help others.People who think they have it ruff can listen to these stories and know that others out there have it worse than they.The very few Holocaust survivors went through vicious and unhumane treatment, but they are still here to tell about it because they did not give up. I think anyone and everyone can look up to these people.When we want to give up, we can remember these survivor's endurance.Words cannot describe the torture they went through, but I am so very thankful for these survivors and their perserverance.

Jenna Stewart

Anonymous said...

Last year I heard the Holocaust speaker, like Hannah and Brooke. I remember Mr. Stephenson tell us that she could only tell her story about once a week because it was too emotionally demanding to tell it more often. I also agree with Campbell's quote, but a hero doesn't have to necessarily give up his life to a higher cause. I certainly believe that veteran soldiers that are still alive are definitely heroes.
-Kent Connell

Anonymous said...

To me the quote means that the hero that is dying for another ones cause is putting other people first, which alot of us don't do in life. They look at the big picture and think about how they could save other people that they care about, and suffer for them. That takes great courage, and the story about that lady is amazing. I couldn't imagine losing my kids like that.

Ben Kimball

Anonymous said...

I think this was a great quote. Also it really does show you what a hero is. Its very sad how her parents had to give her up to save her life but they are her hero's. And its amazing she has the courage to talk about it.
Sheena Lewis

Anonymous said...

Even though this quote is true, i think that there is a lot more to a hero than that. To me, a hero a person who goes out of their way to do something they wouldnt normally do. It can be a simple task like carrying someones books, or saving a life. I think there are many different definitions for a hero, and im sure that everyone has a different opinion.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the quote, most any "Hero" you can think of is performing an act to defend or establish something much bigger than themselves, for example someone defending the freedom of their country.
Tim Horick

Anonymous said...

To me, the survivors of the holocaust are some of the most interesting people to listen to. Because in class it is almost like reading a fiction book to study the holocaust. You think about how horrible it all was and it just seems unreal, but to actually meet and listen to these people who lived through the holocaust are like meeting your favorite characters in a book you just read. These people are truely amazing to have survived death, sickness, and poverty through this difficult time - Ted Lackey

Chaz said...

I think that for that quote to be true, your intentions have to be good and the outcome has to be good. Some things that are bigger than oneself can be bad. I would have liked to have heard the lady speak and look forward to hearing someone speak to me about the holocaust in the future

Anonymous said...

i agree with pretty much everyone else they all said it all. if someone was to truly give there life(not littarly exactly bt time and effort) for someone elses goodness and to help the needy then they should be called a hero with this it means anyone can be a hero

dustin shelton

Anonymous said...

I think that this would be a type of hero. A person can do many other amazing things and be a hero. In fact a person could do one simple task and become a hero to someone. This task wouldn't have to be dying.

Will Hearn

Anonymous said...

Right now i'm reading Echos from the Holocaust and it also greatly depicts what a hero truely is. The people who survived the tragedy, and even those who didn't were forced to give up there own lives and push through the stuggles of the holocaust. Conditions were unbearable, not to mention unimaginable, and some how many people made it to the other side. Even more than that, many of the survivers that are still alive travel and share there stories. Recalling these memories must be extremely difficult, yet they continue to spreak their truth. I believe that is what makes them true heroes.

Emily Hill