Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hillbilly Day!!!

Here is a shout out to our hillbilly friends at Walker Valley!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


See if you can identify these crazy characters!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Week of October 27

The unit you have all been anxiously anticipating, being that you are in an HONORS ENGLISH CLASS, the unit with all the writing, the Essay Unit!!! It's here!!!

Monday, October 27
Define Unit 8
Essay notes
Assign Packets, rough draft
HOMEWORK: Rough draft of creative essay

Tuesday, October 28
Read and analyze
Peer read rough drafts of creative essays
DUE: Rough draft of creative essay

Wednesday, October 29
Read Satires
Work on packets

Thursday, October 30
Work on packets
DUE: Satire

Friday, October 31
Essay test
Vocab quiz
In-class Knighthood Writing
DUE: Journals

Essay Packets are due November 7.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


If you are interested in the mysteries surrounding Arthur and Camelot, you might want to take a look at this website.

The other website is an interesting illustrated version of the tales.

I don't have any specific questions, but feel free to comment on anything you find interesting on either site.


"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself."
~Joseph Campbell

Campbell has done a lot of research on heroes, legends, and quests, the stuff that the Arthurian Legends are made of. What reactions do you have to this quote?

As a side note, I chose the picture at the top because it is a photograph of the Holocaust survivor who spoke to us yesterday at Vanderbilt. This photo was taken the day she left on a ship for the United States to her new adoptive family (her aunt and uncle). Her name is Frances Cutler, and her parents put her in an orphanage in Paris to save her. Her mother was murdered in Auschwitz and her father died as a French resistance fighter. I don't think I need to make the connection for you between this quote and this picture. I will say that, though Frances is certainly a hero for telling her story to student groups around the country, I cannot imagine being in a situation where the best scenario for my child to live is for me to have to give her up and leave her with strangers.

Week of October 20

We are starting (and finishing!) Arthurian Legends this week. It should be a good, light unit for us after some pretty heavy stuff.

Monday, 10/20
Define Unit 7
Watch "Camelot"

Tuesday, 10/21
Camelot questions
Camelot notes
Read "Sword in the Stone" for homework

Wednesday, 10/22
Discuss "Sword", read "Sir Lancelot"
Codes of Chivalry discussion

Thursday, 10/23
Watch "Stick in the Log"
Work on shields

Friday, 10/24
Vocab quiz
Arthur unit test

Upcoming: Essay unit next week!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall Break!

Hope everyone had a great fall break! I will be gone to Vanderbilt to the Educational Outreach Program for the Tennessee Holocaust Commission today and tomorrow, but you guys will start the Arthurian Legends unit without me. I am anxious to share everything I learn this weekend with you during our upcoming Holocaust unit!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Man/Woman Modeled Poems

We modeled poems after Nikki Giovanni's "Woman" poem.  Here are some stars!

She wanted to be a rose
But he wouldn't be the stem to hold her up
She wanted to be a voice,
But he wouldn't listen to her.

She wanted to be tears for him,
But he would not weep.
She tried being the stars
But he wouldn't look for her at night.

She tried being the honey,
But he wouldn't be the bear.
She tried to talk to him 
But he wouldn't listen for anything.

She wanted him to notice her
but she knew he never would.

She wanted him to love her
But he didn't realize.

She made up her mind and
changed into a woman.
He saw her do this and changed into a man.
He said to her, "Finally, you are who I want you to be ... yourself."
By Katelyn

She wanted to be his diary
Where he shared all of his feelings and secrets
Instead he closed the diary
And had to walk away.

She wanted to be his oasis
Where he found strength and refuge
All he saw was a mirage
Something he could not and would not have

She wanted to be his sweet cupcake
Layered with sweets and icing
He acted like he was on a diet
He was never hungry
And he never had a sweet tooth

She wanted to be with him
But she knew it could never be

They were two different people
Separate yet always together

They might have had a relationship
Maybe one day they will
But for now they are still separate
Still in love with each other
And they will until they die.
By Gabby

He wanted to be her shield
amidst the fighting
but she refused to 
hide behind his armor

He tried to be an umbrella
through the storm
but she wouldn't slip on her boots
and dance in the rain

He wanted to be her waves
gently crashing on the shore
but she refused to 
put on her swimsuit 
and step into the water

He longed to be her cloud on a hot summer's day
but she never saw need for rest

He offered to be her crying shoulder
but she always held back the tears

He became a candle
to lead her through the tunnel
but she took her own path
she found herself lost and in the dark
by then he was long gone
and on his own.
By Taylor

she wanted to be a star
that shone brightly in the sky
but he didn't want to gaze
just simply glance and keep going

she longed to be the air
that he needed in order to live
but he would rather die
than to breathe in such a thing

she wanted to be his laugh
that filled her life with joy
but he dared not smile
he didn't care if she was happy;
no not at all

she tried to be a blanket
but he insisted on staying cold

she desired to be a refuge
but he ran to only himself

she decided to be his ego
that he clung to for dear life
but we all know that men
would never think to surrender that.
By Payton

Poetry Showcase

Here are a few fabulous pieces from my budding Sandburgs...

She looked out the window and was greeted by trees.
She smiled, knowing it hadn't always been like that.
She walked outside and felt rain upon her face.
She smiled, knowing she hadn't always felt like that.
She glanced to her left and noticed a deer.
She smiled, knowing it hadn't always been there.
She saw a pond on her way home, surrounded by peace.
She smiled, knowing she hadn't always seen that.
She hadn't always been there.
She hadn't always had this.
She hadn't always liked it.
She hadn't always known it.
But now she did, and she was, and it did, and it was, 
And she was happy.
By Madison

In a world filled with green, green grass
Why is there so much harmful pollution
The pollution made sick a little lass
O, it seems like there is no solution.

Why is there so much hurtful, harmful pain
What was abundant happiness can change
It is enough to drive someone insane
Yet no one seems to care which seems very strange

Why are human beings so self-absorbed
Is there someone who cares about the poor
Why is it that the others are ignored
Yet when someone reaches out, it causes snores

In a world filled with blue, blue skies
Why does no one care that the poor still cry?
By Alexa

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Week of October 13 (And FALL BREAK!!!)

Monday, October 13
Library/lab to research for History of the English Language paper

Tuesday, October 14
Library/lab to research for History of the English Language paper

Wednesday, October 15
Library/lab to research for History of the English Language paper

Thursday and Friday
Enjoy Fall Break! Be safe, have fun, and come back ready to work hard for nine more weeks!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Caesar Projects!

LOVE the Caesar projects I got this time! The ideas were so different and creative this time around. Great job to all of you, but here are a few of the most interesting... (And yes, there were some projects done by males, some of which were great. I just don't seem to have any pictures of those. I will work on that for a new post.)

Famous Assassinations by Brooke

Famous Suicides by Haley

Cassius and the Fake Notes at Brutus's House by Jenna

Soothsayers through the Ages by Katelyn

"Caesar salad" by Ayesha

Caesar's desired crown by Priscilla

"The Man" Caesar by Hannah

Photo storyboard by Emily

A calendar by Meryn

The mob scene by Sheena

Foreshadowing Shadowbox by Brooke

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Week of October 6 (Can you believe it's already halfway through the semester?!?!?)

Wow, end of the nine weeks this week! September felt very long, but it is still shocking to me that the semester is going so fast. Hope you guys are ready to finish the nine weeks with a bang! (And a whole lot of BIG grades...)

Monday, October 6
DUE: Julius Caesar memorizations

Tuesday, October 7
Julius Caesar Test

Wednesday, October 8
9 Week Test (over All Quiet, The Inferno, The Iliad, and Julius Caesar)
DUE: Caesar projects

Thursday, October 9
Poetry Terms, Read and analyze

Friday, October 10
Poetry (write)
DUE: Caesar character analysis, JOURNALS

I know that a two day poetry unit is pathetic, but we really don't have time for much more. It kind of stinks because I LOVE poetry, but we have to get in the rest of the good stuff! :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Et tu, Brute?

Considerations for the play...

· Is Brutus a good man?
· Can a good man commit murder?
· Is the quality of shrewdness the fatal missing ingredient in Brutus’ character?
· Or alternatively, is he just an evil person?

Decision '08 and Assassination 63'

At this point in our political cycle, we are no doubt thinking a lot about leadership, politics, and government. In just four short weeks, we will elect the next president of our country. Without discussing anything specific from our own political parties and without making any points for any candidate by name, please think for a few minutes and comment on the following questions that this play raises. What makes a good leader? Is it okay to sacrifice the rights of an individual for the good of many, the way that Brutus and the conspirators sacrificed Caesar for Rome? What would the perfect government look like? Brutus, one could argue, is in favor of a democratic leadership. He fears the total power Caesar wanted to assume. With that being said, is it ironic at all that Brutus chose a VERY undemocratic method of finding a solution to the problem? Are there any contemporary world events-- or any in recent history-- which parallel Brutus' taking of Caesar's life? Do such comparisons help you understand Brutus' position or the world in the play?