Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"What Dreams May Come"

Even though we only watched three five minute excerpts, I am curious about your opinions about the movie compared to the book. Was seeing the visual image more horrific than reading it, or is your imagination more graphic than the movie-creators? Do some of you think you will plan to watch the entire movie?


Anonymous said...

I have the same opinion about this than i do All Quiet on the Western Front. They're both very graphic, but they definently get the point across. I also think that the movie is very similar to the book in some parts. However, if we watched the whole thing, im sure i will find some differences. I do plan to watch the entire movie and I think i will enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

We didnt watch my cantos. Personally I think it is way more graphic than what I would of pictured in my mind from just reading it. But the movie from the few excerpts I saw seems really interesting so I might just watch the whole movie eventually!!
Sheena Lewis

Anonymous said...

I thought it helped alot watching parts of the movie to see where he was coming from and what he was probably seeing when he wrote it. I didn't visualize it that horrific. I'm not sure if I'll watch the movie it would probably help me to better understand the book, but its kind of grose.

Taylor Crumbley

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, Dante's Inferno is extremely interesting. Graphic, but interesting just the same. Like Sheena, the cantos I am assigned were not shown when we watched the movie, however I am very curious to compare and contrast the movie to how I imagined it. What I did see of the movie was very erie and relatively frightning, which I expected.

Emily Hill

nataliya said...

When i watched the exerts from the book i was expecting something worse. When i was reading, i was picturing all these really gross scenes and the movie toned it down a bit. I think that i will watch the movie though. It would be interesting to watch.

Nataliya Migovich

Anonymous said...

I thought the book was more graphic than what we saw, but I will probably watch the movie to see what the rest of it is like.

Adam Spivey

Anonymous said...

I liked watching the few clips in class. That is the reason why I had asked you to take the movie home to finish it. I watched it this weekend. I really liked it. It was a lot more graphic than I imagined and it showed me that Hell is way more than just an everlasting burning place. The only part that I cried was the car crash because it reminded me of this summer. But I did feel very sad at other parts. The movie had a lot of similarities and differences.

Katelyn McChesney

Anonymous said...

In my opinion i thought the book was a little more graphic then the movie, because in the book you were allowed to imagine what it was like and it could be whaterver you wanted it to be. If you wanted something more graphic you could just imagine the worst possible thing. I do not plan to ever watch the movie, I think it would be a little to much for me to handle.
Meryn Evans

Chaz said...

From what I saw in the clips, the movie was based on the book. The parts that I saw were similar to some parts in the book, while others were different. The way he saw hell and the way he sees hell are really different. My version is very gruesome. I want to see the rest of the movie to find out more about his version.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, the movie looked completely interesting. Although we did not watch any clip from my cantos, after writing the notes on the ones we did watch, i feel like i can visualize it better. I think the book was more graphic then the movie, merely because of the fact that the movie couldn't possibly reenact some of the very weird and descriptive parts of the book. Also, i do have plans to watch the movie.

-Brooke Muller

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, Hell is as erie and horrifying as what you make it up to be. The Inferno depicts Hell from Dante's aspect because he is the one traveling through it. If I was traveling through Hell, I would see what I pictured Hell to be, not what Dante sees. What Dreams May Come depicts Robin Williams aspect of Hell, not Dante's or mine. Therefore, Hell's what you make of it. Some people may find hell more graphic than other people. I find the book and the movie different in some aspects and the same in some aspects.

Colton Ward

Anonymous said...

I didn't really have a clear image in my head when we first started reading Dante's Inferno. I just pictured a lot of darkness along with fire. The few excerpts definitely made a big difference for me by giving me a better image in my head of how different situations and all of the souls looked. It made me very curious to watch the whole movie and see what other parts would relate.

Hayley Brewster

Anonymous said...

I thought watching a few clips of the movie in class helped me understand where Dante was coming from. My imagination had me on a whole different understanding of things. In my opinion, the book is just as graphic as the movie, it's just thought of in different ways.

Ayesha Rock

Anonymous said...

I think that the movie was more eye-opening than the book. Dante was writing to people from his time and location, but to see modern people that could maybe even look, dress, or talk like someone you know at least gets my attention more than the book. There was one point, when Robin Williams was walking through the marsh and stumbled into the old man, that reminded me of my grandfather. My grandfather was a man of God, but the way the actor talked and the look in his eyes hit a nerve. I guess that was more moving than any book could ever be.

Madison Vaught

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the clips we watched in class. I also love Robin Williams so that played a part. haha. But I think my imagination is a lot more graphic than even a movie, just because my mind creates these vivid images that sometimes get really graphic. I'm definitely going to watch "What Dreams May Come" in the future.

Brooke Miller

Anonymous said...

i agree with katelyn and tylor about how it helped watching the parts. i reall didn't imagine it to be that graphic and i also watch the movie after those interesting scenes and enjoyed it very much it.

Dustin Shelton

A. Davis said...

I have been very interested in your comments. However, it is again important to note that this movie was not exactly "based on" Dante's Inferno. There are elements of the movie that are reminiscent of The Inferno, making a person sure that the writer had read and was familiar with The Inferno. The movie itself is quite different, as those who have watched it can attest to. And by the way, there is nothing that makes a teacher any happier than when students do something on their own time, like finish a movie we watched excerpts from in class!!! Thanks for making me feel good! :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Bethany. They both have similarities and differences. I think the writer of "What Dreams May Come" probably did get some of his ideas from The Inferno. They are both graphic and get the point across. I think watching some of the movie helped me to visualize what the book was talking about. The movie seems really interesting, and I would definitely like to watch it all the way through sometime.

Gabby Earby

Anonymous said...

I feel like the book was really good at explaining what the punishments really were and relating them to what the people did in real life. The movie gave me a good perspective of what it really looked like, because I wouldn't have pictured hell like that. I think if I saw the movie I would enjoy it, but at the same time be bothered by it.

Ben Kimball

Anonymous said...

i finally watched the movie online and i thought it was going to be a lot more like the book but it wasn't even close except the first few scenes of hell. The book i think was a lot better with how its described. But the thing that i think is crazy is that the actual hell is suposed to be much worse

stephen lee

Anonymous said...

The clips from "What Dreams May Come" replaced the my scene in my head dramatically. My scene wasn't shown but the broad picture was changed. In my mind hell was just black and gray and very dreary. The pain from the dead were not very dramatic either. Although, after i saw the clips, my mental picture was bright reds and harsh colors and the pain was much worse. The clips also added the eliment of sound that I hadn't thought of.