Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Welcome Back!

First day back... I don't think I have had a better first day in eight years of teaching!  Everyone seemed so positive and in accordance with all of the new policies and procedures.  I am so excited about the coming year.  My classes also seemed to be really great.  This blog is for English II Honors.  I also have a general/English II classes and one for my spring classes.  I am excited about the new blog posting requirement for this class.  I just think it will be a fun way to communicate with each other and to cover some things that we might not have time to discuss in class.  Below is a calendar for this week in English II Honors:

Wednesday:  Go over assignment sheet, project groups, letter, autobiography, and photos

Thursday:  Practice Gateway test
DUE:  Parent letter

Friday:  Assign All Quiet books, WWI notes, Prepping to read work, read chapters 1-3 for homework

Again, welcome back to school to all of you and welcome to my class (and my blog!).  I think it's going to be an awesome year and I am excited about sharing this semester with you.