Monday, August 25, 2008

All Quiet Seminar

For most of you, today was the first of MANY seminars (especially if you take my Holocaust Lit and AP classes after this one!). I thought it went quite well. I was most impressed at the lack of dominance on the part of any individuals. This is very rare, believe me. You all were polite and courteous to each other and didn't talk over the top of each other. There were also very few comments that were extremely surface-level. For a first seminar, great job! That being said, I think in our next seminar we should strive for a little more depth to our discussions. We didn't get into very many deeper philosophical issues today. On your part, what are your opinions about the seminar? Did you enjoy that format? Was it difficult for any of you? What parts were most enjoyable and what parts were most challenging? Do you think you prefer seminar to a test?

On a side note, the compare/contrast essay is due WEDNESDAY!!!!! Do not forget!!!!


nataliya said...

i found the siminar really cool. I liked it alot and we brought up some very interesting point that we didn't talk about in class. i liked it alot!
Nataliya Migovich

Anonymous said...

hey this is stephen .... umm well i missed the siminar so idk whats going on and well im so lost its not even funny. But HEY i might be able to go to school tmrw so im happy =)