Thursday, September 17, 2009

Try Your Hand...

Iliad Game Here is an Iliad Game on the Internet. It's pretty fun. Give it a try and post any comments you have about it.


Anonymous said...

Um, yeah I tried this game. It actually worked on my computer. This game is really hard, unless you know each and every character and what they did. The question about the god that Achilles prayed to when Agamemnon takes the priest's daughter was real easy. That was Apollo. But the question, to whom Agamemnon came to Troy as a favour, was really hard. I had to guess about 3 times to get it. The clue didn't help either. Another son to Atreus. Who's Atreus? I mean, should I have known that? Finally, I figured that Menelaus was a son to Atreus. I couldn't believe that I actually guessed the one question where Achilles was going to rush toward Agamemnon and kill him and someone held him back. I actually read that part so I knew that Athena did. Wow, I'm really surprised that I knew almost all of the questions that I got. I guess this shows that the ones I didn't really know, I didn't really pay attention to when I was skimming the book.

-Stella Kanarski 3rd period

Mrs. Davis, did we have to comment on something during the inferno unit? I was absent 3 days and I don't think I knew when the deadline was. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

So I tried this game out. It worked, but it was pretty hard. I did learn more about all the characters. Some of the quetions took me forever to do. I almost gave up. And I never realized how many daughters Zeus has. To answer most of these questions you would have to really read the book. I think thats why I didn't get some of the questions. Most of the time I just skimmed the chapter. All together this was a pretty changling game.

-Kylee R. 3rd period

Anonymous said...

I didn't do very well at this game. I guess it's because when I skimmed it no one really ever had the same name more then once. Also, I can never seem to keep all the gods and goddesses straight when I'm trying to think of exactly which one did what.

-Meghann Bledsoe 3rd Period

Anonymous said...

I epically failed at the game. Some questions I knew right off the bat, but most I wasn't too sure of. The list it gives you with the Greeks, Trojans, and Immortals was extremely helpful. The fact that the game puts you in the character's situation really helps you understand them. It also helped me with remembering who is related to whom. It constantly reminded you of the character's position in the epic, too. For instance it said, "You are AGAMEMNON, leader of the Greeks besieging Troy." Little things like that helped me remember the importance of the characters.

-Rachel Bentley, 3rd Period

Brandon Caylor 3rd Block said...

I Have to agree with everyone else this game was extremely hard in some parts. It really shows how much you have to pay attention. Some of the questions on which god/goddess did what or helped whom really got to me. I guess I should have read over their roles in the book a little more throughly
- Sincerely B.C.

Anonymous said...

I thought this game was very challenging. I noticed that I had to refer back to the list of name at the top of the page several times before I picked an answer. To be good at this game you really need to know the characters in detail. Some questions I knew and some I struggled miserably with. All in all though, it was challenging and I gained information.

-Emily Frey 3rd period