Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Iliad

We took notes over the characteristics of an epic. What examples can you point out from The Iliad that fit the criterion?


Anonymous said...

One really big match in the description of an epic, and the events of the Iliad I noticed, are the intervene of gods with humans and take sides during the war. For example, Diomedes was wounded, and asked Athena for revenge. Athena then gives him superhuman strength and crazy power. As a result he runs around like a crazy man slaughter everyone he comes upon. He even injures gods that he isn't supposed to.
Also, Apollo sends Aries to help the Trojans out and he was mainly the reason why the Trojans did so well in battle during book 5. But once he left because Diomedes injured him and the gods didn't play a role in battle, the Greeks started to gain back more control and start winning again.

-as always, ya boy,

Robert Parr

Anonymous said...

Epic poems often open in the midst of a story. The Iliad began nine years into the war over the Greeks and Trojans. Also the invocation of a muse is often used to start an epic which was how both the Iliad and the Odyssey began. Furthermore, the Iliad had a vast setting and covered many nations, which is another characteristic of an epic.
The use of epithets is a major factor in Homer's epic. For example he wrote, 'Achilles, son of Peleus...' and 'Agamemnon, ruler of men...', and many, many other examples of epithets all within the story. Long speeches, a characteristic of an epic, are also included in the Iliad.
One characteristic that is more obvious the intervention of divine beings and deities (often favoring one side). For example Poseidon aiding the Greeks, Athena granting Diomedes unfathomably vast strength enabling him to become a slaughtering machine, and Aries assisting the Trojans as well as Zeus. Divine intervention plays a major role in The Iliad. The gods are extremely important to the Greeks and the Trojans, for they can both help or hurt them. They act as messengers, guides, and guardians, or if someone is not in their favor they can also harm them and force ill fortune upon them.
Finally, the heroes in epics often embody the values of civilization. For example Achilles possesses superhuman strength and has an intimate relationship with gods, but he stuck me as less than heroic. He had the makings of a great, honorable warrior but this deep-seated character flaws constantly interrupted his ability to act with nobility.

-Yusra Siddqui
4th period

p.s: Funny story! I was browsing the blog site and I was not aware of my volume being all the way up. Country music blasted really loud, waking up my napping puppy (whose name is Brutus) who started spazzing out in fright. It was really cute.

Jacob R. - 4th period said...

There are many characteristics on the notes that are used in The Iliad. First, Achilles(who shows great strength and courage) and the rest of the Greek army have to overcome the daunting task of gaining control of Troy and eliminating the Trojan army. Next, I noticed that the gods also have a great role in the story. They often would intervene in the war and often help one side whenever they felt the army was in great danger (ex.- Athena giving Diomedes incredible strength after being wounded). The story also begins with an invocation by a muse just as the Odyssey did.

Anonymous said...

I think one way it really goes with how an epic is supposed to be is how gods intervente often. For excample when Diomedes got hurt he asked Athena for revenge.He gets some crazy power and because of this he goes around killing everybody he runs into. Another way is how epics are en medias res or beginning in the middle. The Iliad starts 9 years into the war with Greeks and Trojans. Also, epithets were a big thing to show that it was an epic. For example, Homer was always saying son of... ruler of... and those kinds of things. Also the story starts with an invocation by a muse just like the Odyssey

Anonymous said...

The Iliad had a lot of things that we wrote about in our notes. One was that it started in medias res (In the middle of things). The story begins in the ninth year of the ten year war. Another thing is that an epic will have cataloging, and the Iliad would catalog ships, men, armies, etc.. There was a huge sign that this is an epic by the gods and goddess always getting in the way and helping one side or the other. For example, Apollo was totaly for the Trojans so he helped them out every now and then. The story also covers a good amount of lands and people So it involves different nations which makes the setting "vast in scope" like an epic is said to be.

Whitney Stephenson 4th period

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Davis, the one beginning with intervention of gods then diomedes asking athena for revenge. Then how epics are always en medias res. Then the epithets. Finally talking about how it started with an invocation from a muse was your boys Jake Moats sorry i forgot to put my name.

Anonymous said...

In The Iliad, Hector and Achilles were both heroic in different ways. Hector fought for his kingdom to keep it whole, and he fought for what he believed in. Achilles on the other hand, fought because he loved it, and he was born to do it.
Hector was a great and mighty prince. The Trojans admired him because he was a great leader. He won many battles, which made Troy a very prosperous city. He was dearly loved by his family and his people.
Achilles was half mortal and half immortal, which gave him supernatural strength and courage. Also, he couldn't die unless he was stabbed in the ankle. In some ways, he was more heroic than Achilles. Achilles didn't take orders from anybody. He was his own person, which made King Ag angry many times because he wouldn't listen. Still, Achilles fought with King Ag because he was a great fighter.
I guess you could say that Achilles was a better hero because of him killing Hector. But, I think that Hector was more of a hero, because he had a reason to fight, Because he was fighting for something.

-Leah Smalley,
4th Period

Anonymous said...

One example of an epic is how the god's intervene very often,an example is when Diomedes gets hurt he asked Athena for revenge. He gets power and because of this he goes around killing everyone he runs into even a god he isn't supposed to. Another example is that Achilles and the Greek army had to defeat the Trojans and gain Troy. Lastly, the story begins with an invocation by a muse just like the Odyssey did.

-Ali Schroder, 4th period.