Monday, March 30, 2009

Clean Slate

The first nine weeks is now behind us. All grades are starting over, completely fresh and new. Everyone has a clean slate, if you will. Now is the time to decide to change the habits from last grading period, if you weren't happy with your grades. Now is the time to reinforce the good habits and attitudes from last grading period, if you are pleased with the results. But whatever you choose to do for the next nine weeks, there are still nine more weeks of school. Nine more weeks of assignments, tests, projects, and grades... I don't know about you, but I am happy to have nine weeks left with you guys. You all are such an interesting class because, quite frankly, you seem to display a different personality from day to day! :) Thanks for making my job fun, if not always easy! You might have heard it said, "Choose a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life." I can testify to that statement and I can say to you that it is the best advice I could give as far as your future and your career.


Anonymous said...

That's reassuring someone out there truly loves their job. Hopefully I'll join you in that happiness one day. My father's not too satisfied with his job and he advises me to choose a career I'm passionate about. So I'll probably end up doing something with art and or creativity involved. Anyhow, I'm not going to lie I can't wait untill school's out. However, I don't mind having to wrap up the school year while this weathers still fairly moody.

rachel craig said...

That quote has actually been a guideline to how I've chosen my classes during high school so I can better be prepared for what college courses I may enroll in. But as far as the new nine weeks goes, I am incredibly glad to have a fresh(er) start, even though I've had a total of zero sleep since its started. I guess you could say I have a whole new perspective on things, being a zombie and what not.

Also, I'm really enjoying this writing unit. I feel like it's allowing me to be more creative with my speech, to expand my vocabulary. It's kind of nice. BUT, it's not so hot that I've got about a million and one things to do at the same time.

Wish me luck,
rachel c.