Monday, March 30, 2009

Clean Slate

The first nine weeks is now behind us. All grades are starting over, completely fresh and new. Everyone has a clean slate, if you will. Now is the time to decide to change the habits from last grading period, if you weren't happy with your grades. Now is the time to reinforce the good habits and attitudes from last grading period, if you are pleased with the results. But whatever you choose to do for the next nine weeks, there are still nine more weeks of school. Nine more weeks of assignments, tests, projects, and grades... I don't know about you, but I am happy to have nine weeks left with you guys. You all are such an interesting class because, quite frankly, you seem to display a different personality from day to day! :) Thanks for making my job fun, if not always easy! You might have heard it said, "Choose a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life." I can testify to that statement and I can say to you that it is the best advice I could give as far as your future and your career.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Week of March 30

Well, I know that you are all very sad thrilled to be back at school this week after a long week of break time. I am disgusted excited with you!!! :) The unit we are doing this week is going to involve a lot of work. I am warning you in advance. This is a unit that I had previously saved for close to the end of the semester and after numerous comments on the course evaluations, I decided to move it to this point in the semester. People felt like there was a lot of other requirements at the end in other classes (and outside responsibilities) and that they could do better to do this unit earlier. Hence... here it is!!! It is an essay unit. We will read (and write!) numerous essays this week. The good news is that you do get some class time to work on them. (You can all thank me later.)

Monday, March 30
Essay notes
Assign packets
Assign creative essay
Define Unit 5

Tuesday, March 31
Read and analyze essays
Peer groups over creative essay
DUE: Rough draft of creative essay

Wednesday, April 1
Work on packets

Thursday, April 2
Work on packets
DUE: Satire

Friday, April 3
Essay test
Vocab quiz

Friday, March 13, 2009

Week of March 16

SPRING BREAK is upon us!!! It's finally here! A well-deserved, much needed rest. Ahhhh....

But first...

Monday, March 16
1st Nine Week Test. STUDY!!!
DUE: Caesar projects

Tuesday, March 17
Library for Research over History of the English Language

Wednesday, March 18
Library (HEL)

Thursday, March 19
Library (HEL)
DUE: Journals

You will need to read Animal Farm over the break. We will have a test and discussion over it in April. Be ready...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

This year in our political cycle, we have no doubt thought a lot about leadership, politics, and government. Jjust four short months ago, we elected a new president of our country. Without discussing anything specific from our own political parties and without making any points for any candidate by name, please think for a few minutes and comment on the following questions that this play raises. What makes a good leader? Is it okay to sacrifice the rights of an individual for the good of many, the way that Brutus and the conspirators sacrificed Caesar for Rome? What would the perfect government look like? Brutus, one could argue, is in favor of a democratic leadership. He fears the total power Caesar wanted to assume. With that being said, is it ironic at all that Brutus chose a VERY undemocratic method of finding a solution to the problem? Are there any contemporary world events-- or any in recent history-- which parallel Brutus' taking of Caesar's life? Do such comparisons help you understand Brutus' position or the world in the play?


Hey guys, I hope you all are enjoying Caesar as much as I am. Below is a posting for you to comment on...

Literary critic T.S. Dorsch said that Caesar makes "such extravagant expressions of arrogance that all sympathy for him is alienated, and the action of the assassins is for the moment almost accepted as justifiable."

What do you think?


What is your definition of a tragedy? A tragic hero? Cite a work of literature that you have not studied in school that you think would qualify as a tragedy. Please elaborate on how it is a tragedy and which character you feel is the tragic hero of that work. (This can certainly be modern or contemporary literature...)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Week of March 9

Well, as I expected, I am loving teaching Julius Caesar to you all. I hope you are enjoying it as well. I do think you all are working hard to understand it (and doing well at it!).

Monday, March 9
Finish Act III
Character activity

Tuesday, March 10
Act IV

Wednesday, March 11
Act V

Thursday, March 12
Character analysis

Friday, March 13
Caesar test

(Projects due next Monday.)