Sunday, November 16, 2008

Week of November 17-- Is it starting to feel like a balancing act???

I know that you all have felt pretty stressed out lately and it probably feels like a balancing act. I feel the same way. But the high stress days and huge assignments are really behind us now. We have a test and seminar this week, relaxed week next week, then a big presentation and test with the following unit (Vietnam), then debates (which you will LOVE), then a nine week test. That's it!!! Book chats (easy!) and journals are the only major grades other the the previous ones. Your high pressure days are behind you. Now you just need to dig in and finish strong, okay?

I am in shock that we are already at the end of the 4.5 weeks of the SECOND NINE WEEKS! I really have had a great semester with you guys and I have been most impressed with you reactions to the Holocaust unit. I absolutely cannot wait until this Friday to get to hear Mr. Dorris.

Monday, November 17
Read Night

Tuesday, November 18
Read Night

Wednesday, November 19
Night Seminar
Holocaust Test

Thursday, November 20
Culminating activity

Friday, November 21
Mr. James Dorris, Holocaust Liberator