Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Extra Credit Assignment

Ok, friends! Here are is an optional assignment for you!

First of all, brainstorm a couple of words that apply to everyday life for you. These could be words like "napping", "schoolwork", "being with friends", "holidays", "family time", "eating", "shopping", etc.

Once you have settled on a word or two, go to the following website:
US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Should be fixed now...

(This is, by the way, a great resource for all Holocaust study!)

Click on the upper bar (research), then collections and archives, then on the sidebar go to photo archives.

Under photo archives, click on Search Online catalog.

Then, put the word you selected in the Search bar.

Look through several pages of pictures until you find some that you really like. (Make sure the date at the bottom is prior to 1939.) Once you have found two different ones that you really like, print them out.

The last step is to look through your own family photos and find a picture from your own family archives that is similar to one of those that your printed from the website. Arrange both photos in an artful way that can be hung on the wall.

Last of all, write a reaction to this assignment. What did you notice as you looked through the photos? What conclusions can you draw about life prior to the Holocaust? What similarities and differences did you see between your own photos and the photo you selected? What feelings did you have as you completed this assignment?

This is due by Friday. 25 points extra credit if well done.